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FCS Freedom vs. FCS Freedom Helix
I needed a leash this winter. I have historically had loads of leashes, most have been at least okay and some have been utter shit. The main problems I have had with leashes are; the cord decides that under my foot is the place to be when I catch a decent wave, the leash is bought with kinks in it and no matter how much stretching pulling, hanging and other forms of torture it is subjected to it remains defiant in its kinkiness, the leg strap is too short because they are not designed to go round a...
What makes a good changing robe?
Warmth - it’s what it’s all about, a fleecy lining to keep you cozy! Style - As well as keeping you warm it’s also a portable changing room- so it has to provide enough room for you to wriggle around in it and come out fully dressed at the other end, without a stray boob or butt-cheek being exposed to the elements. Recycled - There are many different recycled options – they’re out there so why wouldn’t you buy a recycled one? The hood - A well fitting hood, adjustable allowing space for a hat underneath. The Zips - Robust...
HIE Innovation Grant For c-monsta
This was the review from the nice people who helped c-monsta to get off the ground!
Solite 3mm winter boot review
Before we start I think it is good to identify what makes a wetsuit boot good: Well fitting Good feel for the board No toe rolling Good water seal Good seams Warm So, are Solite boots any good? I had a pair of Solite boots last year and loved them. They were warm and comfortable but towards the end of the year I think I should have remoulded them to my feet. My second toe, which is abnormally large, probably because I come from rural Scottish stock, became a bit uncomfortable. After that experience I was slightly nervous about...